That got me thinking of a certain memory of the very first days I played. I was running around in Dun Morough with my gnome warrior and doing quests, reading them very carefully and them explored every nook of of the place, just to see what was over that hill. And there's a lot of hills in Dun Morough. I managed to get up on the southern hills until I saw something orange and shiny. Being the young and inexperienced gnome I was, I tried to get close to edge so that I could peer over the edge.
And I fell. Ofcourse.
And what is south of Dun Morough? You got it, Searing Gorge.
And for me, having perhaps played a week, it was scary.
The big problem was that I had no idea how to get my ghostly body back to my dead body. So I wandered around there and fell down the big hole, climbed up on the wrong side and on and on. The map was just a big grey blob so no help there.
Luckily I was in a guild with neighbours and friends at the time, so while they all had a good laugh at my expense, after a while when it was clear I was not gonne make it back (by that time I was so confused that finding my way back to the angel was not an option either) two of my guildies came and found me.
I felt such joy when two big white tigers with two tiny gnome rogues came and led me back to my corpse! They where my heroes for a long time.
That is my first WoW-memory.
Oh, and last night:

hm...note to self: figure out how to get good images on this blog.